Overall, more than 200 people will be directly involved in DESTINE activities, which will foster the implementation of the European Metal AM Design Technician Qualification in other European VET Systems other than partners’ countries, and foster VET excellence among young people, thus preventing early school leaving.
Transnational learning activities are expected to inspire, develop and influence a career as European
Metal AM Design Technician, thus contributing to increase the level of skills on Additive
Manufacturing and enhancing trainees’ motivation and engagement to learn about the technology.
DESTINE results are expected to be spread and transfer to more students and
professionals in each country. VET organizations, company representatives and National Qualification
Agencies will get familiarized with the European Metal AM Designer Technician Qualifications during
the National Skills League taking place in Spain, Portugal , Italy and Germany. These
participants will benefit from both networking and practical guide to uptake the European
Qualification at National level.
Finally, the European Conference will allow to disseminate and explore DESTINE’s main results to key
stakeholders connected to AM sector from 31 EU countries.
DESTINE - European DESign TechnIciaNs lEague - aims at addressing these issues by promoting VET excellence in the AM sector, introducing young people to multi-skilled technology careers in industry.